通告,宣布,公布,发表声明,公告 – NOTICE :


正式回應了我們學院和協會的查詢,歐盟駐港澳辦公室正式並通過官方郵件回信,並證明The Speciality Coffee Association of Europe (SCAE不是由歐盟“官方認可認證機構”,也不是歐盟成員的教育部認可的教育發証書及認證機構。

     因此,The Speciality Coffee Association of Europe (SCAE 簽發的證書和文憑都不具有歐盟 官方認可認證正式的學歷身份地位!
通過用商業授權系統程序,代理他們發出紙製紙證書 ; 使他們帶來可觀的業務收入!

     SCAE 簽發的證書及文憑課程體系和水平,檔次,並不意味著 ; 在具有任何官方認可認證正式的系統; 並不意味著 SCAE 在具有國際標準歐盟官方認可認證正式的結構格式的證書及文憑課程體系

European Union Office to Hong Kong and Macao officially replied to our Academy & Association, and, certified by official email reply, and, testified SCAE is not an “Officially Recognised” body by EU.

Dear Mr Yuen,

Thank you for your enquiry and apologies for the delay in responding.

SCAE is not “officially” “recognised” by the European Union.  Nor do they claim to be, from what I see in their website.  SCAE is a sector-specific association/lobbying agency (there are hundreds of the sort in Europe, representing many sectors across the economy) .  SCAE may interact with the European Union institution, but that does not mean it is “officially recognised”.

By the same token,  in my understanding the SCAE diplomas are not “officially recognized by EU Authority as a formal educational system and officially accepted and certified/recognized by EU members’ Universities and educational ministries”.

All of the above is in no way a negative judgment passed on SCAE, its activities and its diplomas.

I hope this is useful to your purposes

Best regards


Alessandro Paolicchi  鮑歷奇

Head of Trade section
European Union Office to Hong Kong and Macao
20/F, St.John’s Building, 33 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong

Office (+852) 2230 5603 or Mobile (+852) 92669467

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